Category Archives: week 9

Research Proposal

Thesis Proposals


1)      Technology and education: Whether it is truly a step up from traditional methods. Although we are more integrated in technologies then we were in the past, we have barely scratched the surface in terms of today’s technology and its potential benefit to education. I am not referring to computers alone, but rather recent and unique new methods of teaching that only a few schools seem to implement. Would technology fixation negatively affect students in the long run or will the “fun” and more interesting new ways of teaching yield more results?

2)      The Benefits of Caffeine: Coffee is both a saving grace and apparently something to detest. But it seems for reason some coffee or caffeine, although almost completely necessary in today’s society, has a lot of negative attention. It most likely got to this point because of how it’s used, to delay sleep or to stay awake during the day. Sure if you abuse caffeine like that you are bound to feel horrible for the rest of the day. But would you have guessed that a coffee habit has some healthy benefits?

3)      Society on Textbook Censorship: This idea came from an old book I read called “Lies My Teacher Told Me”.

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